Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a bear's world

The Scene: Firmly ensconced in hour ten of what should have been a mere eightish hour car drive home from a weekend at Gramma and Poppy's. We've hit it all - a massive traffic jam (the result of a huge accident earlier in the morning), a lengthy downpour, RVs going 30 mph (if that!) through construction zone after construction zone, you name it. The girls have endured it all with tremendous charm and humor. That is until we hit "the wall." Anyone who has children and anyone who is acquainted with children knows this phenomenon well. It is that dreaded moment when enough is enough. As our Bear hits this impenetrable emotional barrier, she offers the one happy solution her two-year-old brain could muster.

The Dialogue:
Dave: "Hang in there, girls. We're almost home!"
Bear: "I drive now! I drive now! Daddy, peas? Oh peas? I drive now?"
Me: "But sweetheart, you're too short."
Bear (letting her chin fall to her chest in utter defeat): "Oh."

The End.

Post Script: We did make it home - eventually - and the Bear taught me a much-needed lesson in optimism. Needless to say, I owe my little family a ton for weathering the lethal combo of long drive and quick turnaround so I could meet with my new advisor!


Mia said...

Awww you should have just let her drive ;)

Deb said...

oh, the ever hopeful two year olds. and even older. calvin thinks he could drive, if only we'd let him. :)

and a new advisor. is this a good thing or a scary thing?

kat said...

new advisor? hopefully you get one that actually ADVISES! what a crazy idea . . . ;)

Kim said...

O.K., that darling little light saber weilding Disney princess...I love that girl.