I usually don't watch much television. (This is primarily because nothing I enjoy stays on the air for very long, but we've been there and done that. Let's move on, shall we?) It seems lately, however, this strange square box that emanates all sorts of weird light has been on the forefront of my mind. Or at least at the forefront of my interaction with the outside world. (It's amazing how limited one's existence becomes with sick kiddos in tow!)
Tonight I felt compelled to watch the series finale of ER. I have not seen so much as an episode since that fateful night back in 1998 when George Clooney literally walked off into the sunset. I have no idea who the new characters are or anything about their stories. Nevertheless, I had to watch. If only to pay tribute to one of the happiest memories I have of my adult life.
ER premiered during my sophomore year in college. (Yes, I was a college sophomore fifteen years ago. Again, let's move on, shall we?) After a tumultuous freshman year (to say the least!), I found myself living in a lovely apartment, in the heart of a lovely campus, with five of the loveliest women one could ever hope to meet. We truly enjoyed each other's company. And every Thursday night, we had a sacred ritual. Must see TV. With religious regularity, we would put down our week's work for two hours to watch Seinfeld, Friends, and ER. It was our time. It was not to be missed. And it was not to be infiltrated by outsiders - no matter who anyone might be dating at the time.
And so as I sat here tonight, weeping as characters of old made their obligatory appearances on the screen, I thought of them - Kim, Kristen, Stephanie, Amanda, and Sam. I have lost track of them over the years, but just for tonight the memory of all of us on the imitation foam couch in Merrill Hall was alive and well. And for a blissful moment, I was back there with them. Of all my undergrad memories, I believe this is the one I cherish most. It was such a simple little ritual, but it was a thoroughly enjoyable one. So thank you, my girls from 428. It was divine while it lasted. And tonight was for you........and the new world monkeys.
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