Saturday, July 5, 2008

Strike a Pose, There's Nothing to it!

Over the past several weeks, I have received many inquiries regarding if and/or when I might get around to putting some pictures up on my blog. I can only say that any and all reluctance on my part has been the direct result of my abiding inability to work with all things technological ( I can barely type the word for crying out loud) and my general suspicion of those who are more adept at it then I (which is just about everyone on the planet). Nevertheless, at the urging of Dave I hereby acquiesce. But first, a word of explanation. These girls are ying and yang, John and Paul, Simon and Garfunkel, Mac and Cheese; two very different chickadees who often bicker but who adore each other utterly and completely. One would be lost without the other. When Gramma and Poppy sent two highly coveted nightgowns depicting Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively, a high-end fashion show naturally ensued with absolute coordination. Paris? Milan? They tremble and pale by comparison. And so I offer a glimpse into the world of the fabulous Bug and Bear!

1 comment:

Mia said...

They are absolute princesses. I love how they are totally glamor even in their night gowns. I especially love the tilted head pose.

Oh Em, I have so many memories of you too. I am sure I could go on for days. I have tons of memories where we are just standing in the institute kitchen talking. But one of my favorite memories is when we went to Krispy Kreme and Dave and I had a donut eating contest. You refused and stopped at one donut. I was sick after about three donuts and Dave had about 4 and a half it was a blast.